The government of the United States says that he does not know what was behind 143 UFO sightings

The director’s office of National Intellence (ODNI) has published its very expected report on almost two decades of UFO sighting. And for the most part, leave more open questions than it responds. Odni examined 144 reports of what it calls “unidentified air phenomenon” or UAP dating from 2004.

Of those, 18 incidents may have involved advanced technology that the United States can not explain. “A bit of UAP seemed to stay stationary in high winds, move against the wind, maneuver abruptly, or move at a considerable speed, without discernible means of propulsion,” says the report. Odni says there is no evidence that none of the cases involves the secret technology developed by the tastes of Russia and China or an extraterrestrial entity, but he did not rule out those explanations either.

“Of the 144 reports we are dealing with here, we have no clear signs that there is a non-terrestrial explanation for them, but we will go where the data will take us,” said a senior official for the government, CNN.

Out of a single report where intelligence officials were able to determine the cause of the incident, there were very few data for the ODNI to conclude what happened in most of the reports he examined. What he said is that there is no possible explanation for all the incidents he examined. The agency researchers tried to put the reports in five categories: the disorder in the air (as errant balloons), natural phenomenon, classified technology developed by the US government. UU., Secret technology developed by an adversary such as China or Russia and a final and seductive catchall. “Category, however, Odni is convinced that most of the sightings involved” physical objects “.

The report concludes with ODNI that indicates that understanding these incidents will require a consolidated and standardized approach in several government agencies. It also wants to invest in technologies such as learning algorithms of the machine to examine the reports. Government officials will provide Congress an update on their data collection efforts in 90 days, with periodic updates to follow after that.

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